Thursday, August 26, 2010

Looking For Lifevantage Information?

I get a lot of people that want to get more information about Lifevantage, Protandim, Truescience and our company. Most people don't know we have a lot of information available. One of the best resources in our Science Possibility site. It is a great resource for just about anything related to our company and our products.

Another great link is our Big Blue Calendar link. There you can find information on research, up-coming events and meeting from all across the country.

Whatever site you visit, feel free to contact me for more information about our great business opportunity or our amazing products. To contact me, visit My Site and I will help you in any way I can.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Glutathione and Protandim

Glutathione is a tripeptide. It contains an unusual peptide linkage between the amine group of cysteine and the carboxyl group of the glutamate side chain. Glutathione, an antioxidant, protects cells from toxins such as free radicals.

Glutathione is one of the body’s key antioxidants. But beyond the effect of glutathione serving as a powerful antioxidant, it does a lot of other things: it allows for the regenesis of other antioxidants, like vitamin C and vitamin E; it plays an absolutely critical role in the liver in a process called Phase II Detoxification, where things that reside in the body are excreted (and in our very toxic world, having healthy amounts of glutathione available for the process of detoxification is critically important); glutathione is important for the way the body repairs tissues; and it also plays a fundamental role in the entire immune system.

“For years, people have been banging their heads against the wall trying to develop a delivery system for glutathione, whether it was encapsulated in liposome, delivered in a suppository, inhaled, rubbed on the skin, developed as a patch…you name it and people have tried it and have largely, almost universally, failed at it,” said Dr. David Perlmutter, Neurologist, LifeVantage Scientific Advisory Board member, “And then along came Protandim. The elegance of the science behind Protandim is indisputable."

What is so elegant about Protandim is that it doesn’t worry about delivering glutathione to the body. In fact it does not deliver any glutathione to the body. There is no glutathione in Protandim. But the science of Protandim is such that is able to speak to a body’s DNA and unlock the DNA Code to allow the body to make its own glutathione! In fact, clinical studies have demonstrated Protandim increases glutathione levels 300%.

“The science of Protandim is elegant and impressive in its simplicity and its effectiveness and clinical efficacy is a marvel,” Dr Perlmutter said. “I think the best is CLEARLY yet to come…Protandim in just in its infancy. There is going to be a global impact of the product.

Dr. Joe McCord, a co-author of the study, commented, "The results of this study may change how we view aging and the factors that impact healthy aging. Notably, glutathione, which is of particular interest to many disease researchers, was increased more than 300 percent with Protandim. Glutathione plays a key role in the immune system and when glutathione levels drop, a person's ability to fight disease also decreases. In addition to the findings on glutathione, the study also shows that Protandim delivers an antioxidant benefit to the body that exceeds those provided by vitamins C and E." McCord added, "Contrary to popular belief, our bodies don't actually rely upon the intake of vitamins, such as C and E, to maintain proper antioxidant balance; rather we utilize a complex network of antioxidant enzymes to maintain health and protect against oxidative stress. Oxiidative stress is damaging to our bodies and is a major contributor to aging, weakened immune function, and over 200 diseases. Protandim reduces oxidative stress by enhancing the body's entire network of antioxidant enzymes." The study was conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado Denver and Ochsner Medical Center.

The natural ingredients in Protandim were specifically chosen based upon their ability to cause the body to produce and up-regulate its natural network of antioxidant enzymes, including SOD and CAT. Protandim has been formulated using high quality, potent natural plant extracts processed under proprietary technologies. It therefore provides powerful antioxidant protection against oxidative stress.

Watch this Video on the Power of Glutathione

Mother of 4 Speaks About Protandim and Truescience

Here is a great testimonial from a lady that is mother of 4 and has suffered from skin cancer. Hear from her in her own words how Protandim and Truescience has helped her.

Protandim Testimonial

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Video of the Week...The Science Behind Protandim

I thought it would be a great idea to post a "Video of the Week" to showcase Lifevantage, Protandim, Truescience and other related information that followers of my blog might want to read about. This week's video features an interview with Dr McCord, Dr Perimutter and Montel Williams and their discussions about Protandim.

The Interview

If you have any questions about the video or would like to find out how to order Protandim or Truesceince contact me to learn how to be a "Preferred Customer' and receive a discount.

Enjoy the show!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Would You Like to Win an iPad?

For those who might have missed tonight's Special Edition President's Call, don't miss its message:

iPads...We're doing it again!

June's iPad promotion was a HUGE success. How huge? Well, not only did we have nearly 60 people earn their very own special LifeVantage-branded iPad, but since then we've also received tremendous feedback wondering if we'd ever consider running it again. Here's your chance...

From now (August 16) until the end of the month, every distributor who personally enrolls just 5 Vantage Pack distributors will be rewarded all earned commissions PLUS a personalized LifeVantage-branded iPad! So, for those of you who missed your qualifications in June, you get a do-over. For those of you who were not yet in the company at that time, here's your shot. And, for those of you who earned an iPad back in June, only to get grief from your spouse for not sharing, you can earn one for them, too!

Remember, this special iPad promo applies to everyone, even people not yet in LifeVantage today. Simply enroll your friend, help them to enroll their 5 Vantage Pack distributors before the end of August, and they get their iPad! It's that simple.

Let's blanket the marketplace with LifeVantage-branded iPads and have the coolest business tools ever loaded with the ABC Primetime video.

Contact me to find out more, but do it fast!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Exciting News on Tonight's Conference Call

Join Kirby Zenger, LifeVantage COO, tonight for a special conference call! Join Kirby for an announcement that will generate a lot of excitement in the LifeVantage family!

To participate, dial (318) 878-0218 and enter access code 508-740-425. Or register to listen online at

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Antioxidant Myth Audio CD

If you have been taking a lot of supplements over the years (like I have) you may not know it but we have all been wasting a lot of money on supplements that don't work. Dr McCord has an audio CD that explains how antioxidants work and how we have basically been wasting our money on vitamins and other supplements that supposed to help us reduce our oxidative stress. Listening to the audio is a must for anyone serious about their health.We all need to stop buying into the hype and start seeing the science.

Just Got in My New Business Card

Checkout my new business card and let me know what you think.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Helping Those with MS

Yesterday I posted a post on Facebook about Protandim and how I believe Protandim may help with some of the physical issues associated with MS. I feel very strongly about Protandim and I know everyone feels strongly about finding a cure for MS. With that said, if anyone orders Protandim for at least 3 months I will donate $10.00 in their name to the NMSS cause. Montel Williams believes Protandim has help him. Maybe it may help others with their MS issues. Contact me at if you have any questions concerning Protandim or this special offer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Montel William's Protandim Testimonial

Many people may know that talk show host Montel Williams has MS. Actually his MS is pretty sever. But did you know he was also a Lifevantage distributor? Take a look at this video and listen to why he takes Protandim to help with his MS. He gets it.

I Just Don't Get It

I don't get people sometimes. Today I was talking to a person that has an illness that possibly Protandim could help with their symptoms. I told the guy about Protandim and that it may make him feel a lot better. Today was not a good day for guy and he appeared to be in a lot of pain. Even though I presented him with the evidence that Protandim could maybe help him feel better he didn't want to take my advice. He stated he would check with his doctor and look into it. (Many doctors don't have a clue what Protandim does).

Here is my take on the whole thing and why I don't get it. If I had a disease like MS, cancer, MD, etc... and I was in a great deal of pain, I would be willing to try anything to make me feel better so I could have a better quality of life and possibly live longer. If someone showed me scientific documentation behind Protandim, I would not hesitate to try it for at least a couple of months to see if it helped me feel better. I have noticed that a lot of people are willing to continue to suffer than take a chance in getting something new to help them. Something that has no side effects and has shown to help a lot of people. That is why I just don't get it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Why Our Lifevantage Business is Such a Great Business

I recently did some training consulting work in Texas and I met a girl that just opened up a new gym in the local area with her husband. She was one of my students and I overheard her talking all week about her new business and how they were having their grand opening that week. She was very excited about her new business and how they did have some clients coming into and signing up.

Later in the week, reality started to set in. She mentioned she had to hire several trainers to train her clients when she wasn't available, needed to buy products and supplies, needed to be at the gym in her spare time (she had no spare time), needed to balance the checkbook, place product orders, run credit card transactions (costing her 4% on each transaction), had to work on creating legal contracts, and many more unforeseen issues. I could tell she was really stressed out and realized it was going to be a lot more work than she thought.

I asked her did she have any products to sell in her new business. She said, only nutritional bars, shakes and shirts (which she was giving away for free). I introduced her to literature and the my website (Protandim video) and she seemed interested. However, all week she seemed too busy to focus on the information. She was knowledgeable of how the product worked, but too busy to check it out. I told about how much money she could potentially make selling Protandim and Truescience. No matter how much I tried to help her, she didn't have time to listen.

My observation was; she owed a business that owned her. All of her time, energy and funds were devoted to her business and she wasn't enjoying it. That is why I feel we are so lucky to have our Lifevantage businesses. We have no employees, not product we have to buy, no inventory, we set our own hours, we get to meet people that enjoy the products like we do, we make good money (if we treat our business like business), we have support from corporate and our team leaders, but most of all, our products help people live healthier and longer lives. Now that is rewarding and why I love the business.

I kind of felt sorry for the couple with the gym. I tried to help her out, but sometimes you can only do so much. Maybe one day she will come around. You never know.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekly Team Training Calls Tonight! Aug 8th

Weekly Be Free Be Healthy Team Call
Time: Sunday night August 8th at approximately 9:30 EST
Dial-in Number: 218-936-4141 Participant Access Code:4975882
(Participants are muted but may unmute themselves by pressing *6)

Friday, August 6, 2010

SAB Call With Dr. Joe McCord Next Week!

SAB Call With Dr. Joe McCord Next Week!joemccord

Join Dr. Joe McCord for our next Scientific Advisory Board call Monday, August 9, at 7p.m. M.D.T. To participate, call (773) 945-1010 and enter participant code 315-086-590 or register to listen online. If you are not know who this man is, it is the guy that started the whole thing.

Elite Academy Recap

Lifevantage most successful events are their Elite Academy's. Check out some of the speakers of one of the elite academy's.

Elite Academy Recap

Lifevantage Year in Review

Here is a very nice presentation of Lifevantage Year in Review. After viewing this you will see why now is the time to join the Lifevantage team. We are just getting started.

Year in Review

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Understanding Protandim

Here is some great information on what Protandim is. After viewing this, you will see why it is a product everyone should take. We all need it.

Contact me to find out how to save $10.00 off each bottle.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Want to Start Your Own Business?

If you have ever wanted to start your own business with a great company, but couldn't find one that provided you the opportunity with a great product? Look no more. Lifevantage is one great company with products that can't be matched. For example, we are the only company that sells Protandim. Not sure what Protandim is, checkout my website and the ABC Primetime Video to learn more about the amazing product.

Right now, I am offer anyone that joins my Lifevantage team not only great support to help you build your business, but I have a special offer that is not even offered by Lifevanteage. The next person to become a distributor and become part of my team with get 2 free Delta Airline vouchers (valued at $100.00 each). That is my way of saying, "Welcome to my Team". To find out how to become a part of my Lifevantage team, just contact me anytime. The free voucher offer is only for the next person to join my team. So, if you are interested I suggest you act fast.

Come start your own business with the one of the fastest companies in direct marketing. We have a one-of-a-kind product that is already the hottest product ever. Becoming a part of Lifevantage today could be the best thing you could every do. Come join my team. I would love to have ya.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Great Webinar

I just go off the webinar presented by Dr Gary Campbell. It was a great webinar that focused on our great business and our one of a kind product, Protandim. He gave a great presentation on what Protanidm is, it's history, benefits and how the Lifevantage business is a once in a lifetime business opportunity. If you missed it, you really missed out on some great information. The good thing is that Dr Campbell plans to do the webinars on a regular basis. So if you have ever wanted to learn why I am so excited about the product and business, check out my blog next week. I should have the new times and dates for his next upcoming webinar.

If you are considering joining Lifevantage, just contact me and I will get you started on this great business opportunity and introduce you the most important anti-aging product on earth.

Webinar with Dr Campbell Tonight!

Dr. Campbell will explain this exciting new supplement that is sweeping the continent and the opportunity associated with it. Dont miss this webinar and tell everyone you know and love to attend. This is quite simply the most important supplement you can take and the biggest opportunity of your life to get in front of it!!!

Here's the webinar link for this week. The webinar is from 8-9 pm mountain time.

It should be interesting.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Great Presentation by Dr McCord

On my flight to Dallas TX this morning I finally got to watch the presentation that Dr McCord made on Protandim. The 2009 presentation was very interesting because he told about the history of how Protandim became what it is today. Here are some of points I got from the presentation.

- Protandim did not happen over night. It took over 40 years and numerous scientist to discovery how SOD works.

- SOD was what started the excitement of treating oxidative stress and how oxidative stress effects the body.

- SOD worked great in the lab, but took many years to figure out how to make it work for humans.

- Dr McCord identified the 5 major ingredients used to produce the SOD effects and benefits on the body.

- Test are still being conducted all over the world on Protandim and it's benefits.

- New discoveries on Protandim are continuing to come in.

- We haven't even scratched the surface of what Protandim can do.

There are so many great points that Dr McCord briefed during his 2009 presentation. If you want to learn more about the history of Protandim, you must see the 45 minute presentation. Once you do, you will realize why everyone is so excited about the product and why now is the right time to become a user of the products. Better yet, I suggest you become a distributor and be a part of this great opportunity.

I hear people all the time saying that Protandim is just a "fad". I say to those people, "Come tell me that in 5 to 10 years". They will wished they had gotten on board when the company was just starting out. I don't want to make that mistake. That is why I skipped the customer first phrase of getting involved with the product. I began a distributor 1 day after I heard of the product.

Good stuff!!!

What is Truescience?

A lot of people believe that Lifevantage only has one great product. Actually, we have 2. Protandim is our number one major product in our product line, but we also have another great product called Truescience. It too has Protandim in it. Checkout this video to learn more about Truescience.

If you have any questions about how to order Truescience, let me know.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Truescience Anti-Aging Cream


Eposure to the sun, chemical toxins, and the free radicals released in the digestion process combined with the natural deceleration of your skin's ability to fight free radicals leave your skin without a fighting chance. The end result—aging, oxidative stress and less than beautiful skin.

TrueScience anti-aging skin cream applies cutting edge science to battle aging externally and contains the ingredients of Protandim, found to prevent cell damage internally. TrueScience gives skin a beautiful, even and smooth tone, diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, and provides a vibrant and glowing appearance.

Kimberly Stone, M.D and leading Denver-based board certified dermatologist declared, "I believe that LifeVantage TrueScience is a key complementary product to Protandim. The ravages of aging have a variety of causes and battling them at both the cellular and external levels is very important to long term health."

How It Works

This new, proprietary skin care formula was developed in association with Kimberly Stone, M.D., a leading Denver-based board certified dermatologist, and was formulated with more of the ingredients known to protect the skin from the bombardment of factors that contribute to aging and the symptoms of unhealthy skin.

The TrueScience proprietary skin care formula includes:

Hydration/Moisturizing: TrueScience features a Lamellar Phase Emulsion System that forms a liquid emulsion barrier for superior moisturizing without a thick, oily feel. Moreoever TrueScience also contains extracts of sandalwood, phellodendron bark and barley, all of which deliver exotic fatty acids to retain the body’s natural moisture and produce a high-end moisturizing effect. Finally, it also features sodium hyaluronate, which is a superior moisture-binding agent that can balance moisture levels at the surface of the skin.

Toning/Brightening: The turmeric extract in TrueScience is specially modified to remove the majority of yellow compounds without reducing the effectiveness of its potent curcuminoids. Curcuminoids have been shown to produce a gentle skin lightening that even dispigmentation. Additionally, the leucojum aestivum bulb extract slows the spread of melanocytes, which contribute to uneven skin coloring.

Wrinkles/Fine Lines: The palm peptides and leucojum aestivum bulb extract in TrueScience are all shown to visibly reduce signs of wrinkles and fine lines. They may also help promote a thicker epidermis and dermis for less skin transparency for improved tone and texture.

All-Inclusive: Unlike most other skin care lines, the TrueScience anti-aging cream eliminates the need for an extra eye cream due to its wide ranging benefits.

Lipid Rejuvenation: TrueScience delivers multiple ingredients, including sandalwood oil, phellodendron bark extract, barley extract and a proprietary blend of glycolipids, soy phtosterols and hyaluronic acid to mimic the naturally occurring lipid structure in the skin and retain the body’s own moisturizing lipids.

Testimonial...After Just 30 Days

“OK, I'm going way out on a limb here to share with all of you... I was given samples of the new TrueScience Lotion. I decided that I wanted to be able to see if the lotion made a difference. I was used to spending literally hundreds of dollars per month on a complete skincare routine called Obagi. The results are with TrueScience are quite remarkable. I have done nothing different than to apply TrueScience twice daily.

This is the best smelling, most wonderfully textured lotion I have encountered. And it has Protandim in it! What more can we ask for?

Carol B.
Minneapolis, MN

** To find out more about Truescience Anti-Aging Cream visit My Lifevantage Website. Contact me to find out how you can save $15.00 off each bottle.

Growth is Happening in Lifevantage

Got this email from one of our Lifevantage leaders. I thought I would share it. Good stuff...

Greetings Team LVN,

Tyler Daniels and I just concluded a 5-day Tour de Florida. We covered a lot of territory (the entire state, in fact!) from Jacksonville to Tampa to Naples to Miami. In the aggregate, we saw over 300 people, inclusive of both distributors and their guests. I'm here to tell you, something very special is happening. And, it's not relegated to Florida.

Growth is happening all over the place. Colorado continues to pour on the gas, Southern California is making a major surge, the greater Phoenix area is heating-up (no pun intended), St. Louis and Austin just qualified for their own Premier Schools, Louisiana is making its move, and this past week, Florida, by its own actions, made a very strong statement. Here's the statement: The race is on!

There are entrepreneurial experts who look at LifeVantage and see something very unique. To quote one, "You see an opportunity like this only once a decade." This is powerful.

But, beware. The window of opportunity does not stay open forever. Eventually, as word of Protandim spreads around the globe, your timing will fade and take the opportunity with it. So, it's your choice. You can either run the race now, or wait a decade, or more, until the next.

LifeVantage Team Training & Update Call
Sunday, August 1, 2010
6pm (PST), 7pm (MST), 8pm (CST), 9pm (EST)
712-432-7600 passcode 98765#

Let's run together.
