I recently did some training consulting work in Texas and I met a girl that just opened up a new gym in the local area with her husband. She was one of my students and I overheard her talking all week about her new business and how they were having their grand opening that week. She was very excited about her new business and how they did have some clients coming into and signing up.
Later in the week, reality started to set in. She mentioned she had to hire several trainers to train her clients when she wasn't available, needed to buy products and supplies, needed to be at the gym in her spare time (she had no spare time), needed to balance the checkbook, place product orders, run credit card transactions (costing her 4% on each transaction), had to work on creating legal contracts, and many more unforeseen issues. I could tell she was really stressed out and realized it was going to be a lot more work than she thought.
I asked her did she have any products to sell in her new business. She said, only nutritional bars, shakes and shirts (which she was giving away for free). I introduced her to literature and the my website (Protandim video) and she seemed interested. However, all week she seemed too busy to focus on the information. She was knowledgeable of how the product worked, but too busy to check it out. I told about how much money she could potentially make selling Protandim and Truescience. No matter how much I tried to help her, she didn't have time to listen.
My observation was; she owed a business that owned her. All of her time, energy and funds were devoted to her business and she wasn't enjoying it. That is why I feel we are so lucky to have our Lifevantage businesses. We have no employees, not product we have to buy, no inventory, we set our own hours, we get to meet people that enjoy the products like we do, we make good money (if we treat our business like business), we have support from corporate and our team leaders, but most of all, our products help people live healthier and longer lives. Now that is rewarding and why I love the business.
I kind of felt sorry for the couple with the gym. I tried to help her out, but sometimes you can only do so much. Maybe one day she will come around. You never know.